這是繼希臘聖誕餅乾(kourabiedes)之後的第二個最愛的希臘美食(是美食嗎應該是吧). 除了老公一直唸著想吃,我也嘴饞.即然希臘的復活節就在4/18(跟天主教的4/11不同天),不應景來做,那待何時呢? 在美國的希臘烘焙店都可以買到這種麵包,但所不同的是在復活節時麵包上就會鑲幾顆染紅的水煮蛋(跟我們小孩滿月時送的紅蛋一樣). 這個麵包的特別之處在於由masticha帶來的特別香味,還有真的是很甜的麵包,看食譜裏糖的比例就知道.
食譜是從網路上找來的,大家的評價都是最高的5顆星, 讓我躍躍欲試. 我把食譜轉貼在我的文章內,想做的人請自行取用. 材料中有二樣很希臘的材料,那就是anise seed(大茴香子) 跟masticha(乳香脂,由mastic做成的) 就如食譜中所述可加可不加. 但根據我老公的說法,anise seed可以不加,但masticha不加就少了那傳統味了.
This is a traditional Easter bread served in Greece to break the Lenten fast. It is traditionally braided, with a red-dyed*, hard-boiled egg inserted at one end, and then baked. Beautiful to look at - delicious to eat. Like many yeast breads, these loaves require two risings, so take that into consideration when timing to make them. I like to eat it most at breakfast, with a piece of graviera (a Greek cheese resembling Swiss) and a huge glass of ice-cold milk. A bite of tsoureki; a nibble of cheese; a swallow of cold milk - heaven!!!
- 1 cups milk
- 1 (1/4 ounce) envelope active dry yeast
- 4-4.5 cups bread flour
- 7/8 cups sugar
- 1/2 cup almonds , very finely chopped (optional)
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 orange, zest of, grated
- 1 teaspoons finely ground anise seed or 1 tablespoon mahlepi
- 1/2 teaspoon ground masticha (optional)
- 1/8 cup butter, melted
- 2.5 eggs, very well beaten
Warm 1 cup of milk and place in a large bowl. Add the yeast, 1/2 cup of the flour, and 1/8 cup of the sugar. Cover and proof for one hour.
In a large bowl, combine 3.5 cups of flour, the ground almonds, salt, remaining sugar, orange rind, aniseed or mahlepi and masticha (if using). Make a well in the center. Add the yeast mixture, melted butter and eggs. Work from the center outwards, bringing flour into the well, stirring the mixture until a dough begins to form.
Dust a worksurface with a little of the remaining flour and knead, adding more flour if necessary, until the dough is smooth and doesn't stick to your hands.
Place in an oiled bowl, cover with a cloth, and set aside in a warm, draft-free place to rise until doubled in bulk, about two hours. Punch down dough.
Divide into 3 small balls and roll each into strips 12-15 inches long, and abut 2 inches in diameter. Lay three strips side by side, pinching together at one end, and braid. Pinch together at the other end to hold the loaf intact.
Optional: At this point you can press two red-dyed eggs between the strips of the braid or just leave the braided loaf plain.
Place the breads on a parchment-lined baking sheet, covered, and let rise for two hours, or until doubled in bulk. While the braids are rising, preheat oven to 375F (190°C).
Beat together the egg yolk and remaining milk. Brush over tsoureki loaf and sprinkle with slivered almonds.
Bake for about 40-45 minutes, or until golden brown. The bread should sound hollow when tapped on the bottom. Remove and cool on racks.